Do you have MP3 songs that can take 500,000 GB of the memory? If not, then you should start preparing and find such a big amount of songs. All our modern devices can keep around 40,000 songs, no more. I bet you can't even imagine an MP3 player that can store so much information. But the concept idea will become reality very soon.
A nanotechnology breakthrough was developed by scientists from Glasgow. The achievement is the following: they consider that soon it will be possible to increase storage capacity by 150,000 times. That's why we are waiting for 500,000 GB on a single chip and inch square.
The scientists worked to make the molecule-sized switch that would be in the middle of the gadget. They have already found the way to increase the data storage capabilities that is a great breakthrough. The scientists created a functional nanocluster that includes two electron donating groups; and are positioned precisely 0.32 nm apart. Thus, they compose up-to-date model of molecular switching device. The molecule sized switches would provide the increase of the data storage capabilities up to 4 Petabytes per square inch. Their conceptual idea points the fact that everything is possible. Moreover, thanks to the fact that the switches work on carbon, the whole system will become more flexible, because they can be built into plastic chips and there will be no need for the silicone.
I think that the realization of the idea means that everything, starting from CDs, DVDs and continuing with mechanical hard-drives will become useless. But there wasn't discussed the point about the read/write speed. So, this question is still opened.